Sensitive external area
The different zones of the intimate area form a single functional unit and have a balanced, natural system of protection and self-cleaning. Everything in both the vagina and the outer area (the vulva) is normally geared towards good defence against foreign micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi).
If this protective system is disturbed, infection and irritation (such as a burning sensation and redness) can develop in both these inner and outer areas. It is important in particular for women who are susceptible to vaginal infections and/or who have sensitive skin in the vulvar region to watch out for problems in this entire area, both inside and outside, because external problems can affect the vagina, and vice versa.
It is therefore important for your intimate hygiene that you only use warm water or a mild intimate wash lotion that does not strip lipids from the skin and is adapted to the pH of the intimate area. Improper hygiene measures can encourage infection. We recommend therefore a daily cleansing with the Dr Wolff’s V-san Intimate Wash Lotion. The Wash Lotion is a particularly gentle wash lotion with lactic acid to ensure a skin-friendly pH value of around 5. The added chamomile extract soothes the skin. The Intimate Wash Lotion helps to preserve the health of your intimate area.

Useful tips on intimate care
Tight fitted clothing or underwear made from synthetic fibres, panty liners with a plastic film and nylon tights can cause a build-up of warmth and moisture in the intimate area, which may contribute to the development of skin irritation and infection.
Avoid :
- Underwear made from synthetic fibres
- Nylon tights
Panty liners
Wearing panty liners without a breathable film can raise the pH of the vulvar skin which in turn disrupts the protective acid mantle. It can also create a warm and damp environment that favours the growth of fungi and bacteria.
Avoid :
- Underwear made from synthetic fibres
- Nylon tights
- Wearing trousers without underwear
Tight clothing and underwear can chafe and cause skin irritation. Irritated skin is more susceptible to infection.
Avoid :
- Tight trousers
- G-strings
- Wearing trousers without underwear
Tampons or pads
Some women prefer to wear sanitary towels (pads) during their period, others favour tampons. You should use pads with the lowest possible synthetic fibre and highest possible natural fibre content. Good hygiene in the external genital area is especially important during your period.
Avoid :
- Using tampons during a vaginal infection
- Using tampons outside your normal period (they dry out the vagina)
- Changing tampons irregularly, wearing tampons for a too long period
Toilet paper
Not all toilet paper is the same. There are great differences in quality. Rough toilet paper with high wood fibre content can irritate the sensitive skin of the external genital area.
Avoid :
- Toilet paper with high levels of wood fibre
- Toilet paper with antibacterial additives
- Moist toilet paper
Hair removal in the intimate area
Depilatory creams often contain aggressive ingredients that can cause cutaneous redness, itching and burning. There is no problem in principle with shaving or hair removal in the bikini area, but shaving can cause microinjuries to the skin which are entry points for micro-organisms, encouraging skin infections in this area. Some women also have a natural tendency to develop in growing hair, that is to say, after shaving or depilation the regrowing hair does not grow outwards but instead, into the skin.This causes itching and inflammation. If a bacterial infection of the hair follicle is added to this, folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle) occurs, which requires medical treatment.
Avoid :
- Shaving or depilation if you have a tendency to develop in growing hair and folliculitis
- Depilatory creams
- Dry shaving
- Using an electric razor
- Epilation
- Warm or cold wax hair removal — irritates the skin and is very painful
- Using old blades or blades that have been used by someone else
- Shave against the direction of hair growth
Full bath, swimming pool, whirlpool
Soaking for extended time in the water (bathtub, swimming pool) causes the skin to swell and lose its protection. It then becomes more susceptible to irritation and/or vaginal infection.
The warm water in a much-used, inadequately disinfected public whirlpool is, like a steam bath, an ideal biotope for micro-organisms of all types. If you are susceptible to recurrent vaginal infections, you should avoid these baths.
Moreover, the chlorine used to disinfect swimming pools can cause skin irritation and allergies in those with such sensitivities.
Avoid :
- Long baths
- Long periods in the swimming pool
- Sitting in moist heat (edge of the swimming pool)
- Public spa baths, steam baths, whirlpools
- Swimming pools, if you are sensitive to chlorine
Sexual intercourse
Skin irritation in the vulvovaginal area is not uncommon after sexual intercourse. If you are sensitive you should apply a skin cream to the area beforehand and possibly afterwards as well. If the vulvar area and the vagina itself are too dry, a gel or cream can help (e.g. Dr. Wolff's V-san Moisturising Cream)
Appropriate Intimate Hygiene
- If your skin is sensitive, apply cream to your outer intimate area
- beforehand, possibly also afterwards (e.g. Dr. Wolff's Vagisan Moisturising Cream)
- For your male partner: intimate hygiene before sex, particularly around the foreskin
Personal hygiene
Take care to preserve the natural balance in the genital area and not to disrupt your body’s own defence system. One very important aspect is maintaining the acid protective mantle. Excessive hygiene can be just as harmful as insufficient hygiene. The skin of the external genital area is colonised by natural microbial flora including lactobacilli. In addition, the skin produces a protective hydrolipidic film from its own lipids and substances that bind moisture, which has an acidic pH of about 5.0 and is known as the protective acid mantle of the skin. This means that there is also a natural defence against pathogens (disease-causing micro-organisms) in the external genital area. In order to maintain and preserve the acid protective mantle, it is important to cleanse the skin gently.
Avoid :
- Alkaline soaps
- Shower gels containing aggressive cleansers
- Moist toilet paper (exception: when travelling)
- Washing several times a day
- Vaginal douching
- Hygiene sprays for the intimate area
- Directing strong jets of water onto your intimate area
Preservatives and fragrances
The use of preservative agents and fragrances in intimate care products cannot always be avoided, as the products must last and have a pleasant smell. Still, it is possible to minimise contact with these substances by avoiding premoistened wipes and intimate sprays. Because these products are not rinsed off and so remain on the skin after they are applied, they may promote the development of allergies. If you have a known allergy to particular fragrance and preservative agents, you should read the ingredient list of intimate care products very carefully.
Avoid :
- Hygiene sprays for the intimate area
- Moist toilet paper
- Strongly perfumed creams and sanitary care products
Traces of urine and faeces
Traces of urine and faeces can also irritate the skin. You should discuss any urinary or intestinal problems you may be having with your doctor.
Appropriate Intimate Hygiene
- Wash irritated skin once or twice daily
- In addition, if your skin is irritated, wash only with water after going to the toilet
- Apply cream before and/or after going to the toilet each time
What this intimate care range can do for you?
Dr. Wolff's V-san product range has been specially designed to promote a healthy intimate area and help to relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness.