Why am I dry down there all of the sudden?

It’s no secret that as we age, our bodies go through a vast array of changes. For women, vaginal dryness is one of these changes. It’s a subtle sign that no one else will notice, but one that you can definitely feel.

Vaginal dryness is common for women over the age of 45, with studies finding almost one in two women suffer from the condition. Not only does vaginal dryness cause general everyday discomfort, but the pain can become intense, affecting your sex life by making it an agonizing and unpleasant experience, and reducing your overall quality of life.
As normal as it is, many women are reluctant to discuss vaginal discomfort, often putting off treatment. There’s no need for you to suffer through vaginal dryness.
What are the symptoms of vaginal dryness?
You’ll likely know if you’re suffering from vaginal dryness; the discomfort from the lack of natural lubrication of the vaginal tissue can feel overwhelming. However, there are specific warning signs and symptoms.
The signs and symptoms are:
soreness, itching or burning in the genital region
pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
light bleeding after intercourse
mild vaginal discharge.
pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
light bleeding after intercourse
mild vaginal discharge.
Pain and discomfort such as itching, burning and soreness during intercourse can be linked to other conditions such as:
sexually transmitted infections and diseases
low estrogen levels
lichen sclerosis (a postmenopausal condition causing scaly and inflamed genitals)
genital injury.
low estrogen levels
lichen sclerosis (a postmenopausal condition causing scaly and inflamed genitals)
genital injury.
It’s important to see a doctor if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.
Why do I have vaginal dryness?
Vaginal dryness is most commonly linked to a drop in estrogen levels. Although these hormonal changes can happen at different moments throughout a woman's life (childbirth and breastfeeding), menopause is the usual culprit for ageing women. The drop in estrogen levels leads to internal and external vaginal skin thinning, becoming dry and sensitive. Other influencing factors in vaginal dryness can include certain medications, smoking and drinking alcohol.
Similar to dry hands and lips, your intimate area needs to be targeted to revitalise the area, bringing back the much-needed moisture.
How can I treat vaginal dryness?
There are a variety of ways to treat vaginal dryness such as hormone-free creams and lubricants, natural remedies and lifestyle changes. Reintroducing moisture can bring immediate relief to any pain and discomfort you may be suffering in your nether region. These options can help bring back your quality of life and reinvigorate your sex life.
Hormone-free options
One of the best solutions is moisture therapy, Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream offers a hormone-free alternative that soothes and restores your intimate area. In contrast to a purely water-based gel, hormone-free creams not only moisturise the skin in the genital area but also provides nurturing lipids (fats). The cream has dual benefits of moisturising and soothing lipids and can be used to alleviate vaginal dryness. Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream can be used for the external area and it provides the option to use an applicator for internal use of the soothing cream.
Alternatively, the Dr. Wolff's V-san Moisturising Cremolum Pessaries can relieve the symptoms of dryness in the vagina. The hormone-free pessaries have a long-lasting soothing
Natural remedies
Vaginal dryness can also be treated with natural remedies like keeping hydrated. Water is a natural lubricant and not keeping hydrated can perpetuate the dry condition.
Lifestyle changes
Increasing blood flow through regular exercise can help bring balance back to your intimate region by stabilising hormone levels. Sex is also a good way to cause blood flow and stimulate moisture directly to the area.
To avoid worsening the symptoms of vaginal dryness it is important to seek treatment.
Is vaginal dryness something that you suffer from?