Vaginal Dryness During Menopause

Vaginal dryness during Menopause
Vaginal dryness during menopause is not uncommon - almost every second woman over 45 is affected*by it. A feeling of dryness, burning, itching or even pain: the symptoms of vaginal dryness are unpleasant and can be a physical and an emotional burden for those who are affected. Nevertheless, it is rarely talked about. Menopause is a very natural process that every woman undergoes in her life – and fortunately many of the symptoms, including vaginal dryness, can be treated easily.

During menopause the mucous membranes in the genital area are often no longer sufficiently moisturized. In many cases, this is due to the hormonal changes associated with menopause. This can lead to vaginal dryness which manifests through symptoms such as dryness, itching and burning in the vagina, in the vaginal entrance and in the outer genital area. It can also cause pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).
Vaginal dryness can be so severe and such a burden that it even leads to feelings of soreness and dryness when sitting, walking or cycling.
If you are currently going through menopause and experienced one of these symptoms in the vaginal area within the past four weeks, this may be an indication that you are suffering from vaginal dryness as well.
What happens in the body during menopause?
Menopause is a completely normal change in the female body caused by a decreasing production of the female sex hormone oestrogen. The beginning of menopause varies from woman to woman – but it is often in their mid-40's. At first, menstruation becomes more irregular and eventually stops, i.e. the fertility gradually decreases.
Even if menopause is something very natural, the changes in the body can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Some women experience hot flashes, mood swings or don’t sleep well anymore. The reduced collagen production during menopause can also lead to hair loss or a noticeable loss of skin elasticity. These and other symptoms can be more or less pronounced with every woman.
This can help with menopausal symptoms:
- Helpful against hot flashes: layering up ("onion look"). Wear several layers of clothing so you can quickly take off a layer if necessary.
- To counteract dry skin and dry hair, it is important to drink a lot water and to use moisturizers and hydrating creams and gentle styling products.
- Weight fluctuations are traditionally best counteracted with a healthy diet and exercise.
- Many women suffer from insomnia: make sure your bedroom is at a pleasant temperature (max. 18 degrees Celsius) and avoid watching TV as well as using your mobile phone or computer shortly before going to sleep.
- Clear life goals and projects as well as sufficient social contacts can help when you feel depressed.
- A common yet often unaddressed symptom experienced during and after menopause is vaginal dryness. However, symptoms can be so severe that wearing tight clothes becomes uncomfortable or your sex life suffers. Reason enough to take a look at the causes and treatment options.
How to treat vaginal dryness during menopause
First of all: menopause is not an illness but a very natural change process in the female body. However, these physical changes can cause discomfort for some women.
Vaginal dryness might appear as an unpleasant symptom during menopause. It is often accompanied by pain in the genital area, also during sexual intercourse. This is not only unpleasant in everyday life but may also strain your sex life and generally reduce the quality of your life. You can prevent and treat vaginal dryness.

Hormone-free therapy for vaginal dryness?
There are hormone-based and hormone-free products for the treatment of vaginal dryness. Hormone-based products must be prescribed by a doctor. Hormone-free products are available as cream, gel and suppositories.
Hormonal treatment:
- Prescribed vaginal creams or suppositories regulate oestrogen deficiency
- hormones are released directly into the respective body region or the bloodstream
- rather not applicable during radiotherapy, pregnancy or when breastfeeding.
Hormone-free treatment:
- hormone-free creams, gels and suppositories are available over the counter in pharmacies
- they provide local relief of symptoms
- regularly used, they also prevent dry skin and irritation in the genital area
- applicable for all women, also during cancer therapy, pregnancy or when breastfeeding.
Cream or gel for vaginal dryness?
There are creams, suppositories and gels for the hormone-free treatment of vaginal dryness. Gels are usually water-based without nurturing ingredients. When using condoms for contraception, water-based gels must be used. Dr Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream not only moisturises the skin in the genital area but also provides nurturing lipids (fats). This combination causes the skin of the genital area to be smoother, which can also have a positive effect on sexual intercourse.
Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream for vaginal dryness
Are you in menopause and do you suffer from vaginal dryness? Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream helps to relieve the symptoms. Regular use can contribute to prevent irritation and inflammation in the vagina and the outer genital area caused by dryness. The Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream is available in your pharmacy without prescription.
In contrast to a purely water-based gel, Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream does not only moisturise the skin in the genital area but also provides nurturing lipids (fats). It has smoothing effects on the sensitive vaginal skin and is hormone-free. Dr. Wolff’s V-san Moisturising Cream may also be used to enjoy sexual intercourse more. The Moisturising Cream can be applied to the vagina with or without an applicator.